Innovative Organizational Solutions
Through Research and Evaluation

Data-driven insights for organizational decision-making.

About Bridge Research, Inc.

Bridge Research was founded to provide rigorous, actionable social science-based benchmarking and market intelligence to assist our clients in making the most effective, strategic organizational decisions. We believe that data-driven insight can lead to clarity of purpose and sustainable, measurable outcomes.

Using the Bridge Research Process, we help organizations bridge the gap between what they don’t know and what they need to know to achieve higher levels of performance. Hugh will customize these services to meet the unique needs of each organization, empowering them to better engage their associates, optimize their performance, and streamline their organizational processes.

Contact us to find out
what works best for you.

The Bridge Research Process

Hugh has utilized his educational training, professional, and personal experiences to design a process that is a systematic, strategic, and data driven approach to decision-making with a sharp focus on metrics, outcomes, and results.

Bridge Research will utilize a 7-step process that is designed to use data to uncover potential opportunities for growth and innovation across all aspects of your organization. At Bridge Research, we incorporate a variety of methods including surveys, focus groups, and interviews with key organizational partners to produce relevant, compelling, best-in-class research and to recommend a course of action that ensures impact is sustainable and scalable. Our knowledge management strategy supports organization-wide learning and drives a culture of inquiry that facilitates organizational success.

Learn more about the Bridge Research Process.

Research and Evaluation Case Study

Coming soon.

Get your free copy of the case study.

Research and Evaluation Resources

These materials are coming soon.

Browse our available research and
evaluation resources.

46 Wildwood Road Bridge Suite
Stamford, CT 06903

Cell: 301-404-0823
Toll Free: 855-394-8001

Bridge Research, Inc.

Contact us to learn more about the power of using data, to schedule your free 30-minute discovery session with our Founder, Dr. Hugh Wesley Carrington, or to book Hugh at your organization.