Listen to Me

Listen to Me

Listen to Me Listen to Me Listening takes time, but the payoff can be immeasurable, writes Gary Burnison, Korn Ferry CEO. “When people are listened to, they’re motivated. And when they’re motivated, they feel validated. And when they feel validated, they...
More Than Talent

More Than Talent

More Than Talent More Than Talent As a leader, your sphere of influence extends further than you know, writes Johnny Taylor, from the Society for Human Resource Management. “People are more than their coveted talent and if we ignore, overlook or neglect their...
Get Noticed

Get Noticed

Get Noticed Get Noticed Those who exert an “executive presence” tend to get noticed as potential leadership material, writes Jessica Chen of Soulcast Media. “Cultivating it can start as early as now and can help you unlock opportunities across many...
Opportunity, Not a Curse

Opportunity, Not a Curse

Opportunity, Not a Curse Opportunity, Not a Curse Change is an opportunity, not a curse, writes author Travis Bradberry. “Exceptional bosses see change as an opportunity for improvement. They constantly adapt their approach and embrace change to stay ahead of...
Checks and Balances

Checks and Balances

Checks and Balances Checks and Balances To be a successful leader, you need to hear the truth, writes Venturepark’s Arlene Dickinson. “Regularly take stock of yourself and put in place a series of checks and balances to ensure that you’re not...
Challenges and Opportunities Ahead

Challenges and Opportunities Ahead

Challenges and Opportunities Ahead Challenges and Opportunities Ahead Building trust with your team as a leader can help you better navigate the challenges and opportunities ahead, writes business advisor Kat Cole. “Delegate what you can, ask for help and...