Change is an Opportunity

Change is an Opportunity

Change is an Opportunity Change is an Opportunity Emerging technologies can transform society, writes Eric Schmidt, former Google CEO. “For leaders, such widespread and rapid change can be disconcerting. But it can also be an opportunity. I believe the answer is...
It’s All Good

It’s All Good

It’s All Good It’s All Good All of relationships — especially those at work — stem from the relationship you have with yourself, writes entrepreneur Mel Robbins. “As a leader, it’s made me realize that the people that work for me are also very hard on...
Adjust Your Approach

Adjust Your Approach

Adjust Your Approach Adjust Your Approach Metrics rarely move the needle on what matters most, writes law professor Ozan Varol. “If you’re not getting the outcomes you need, it’s time to adjust your approach. This is where better decision-making...
Positive Leadership

Positive Leadership

Positive Leadership Positive Leadership Positive leadership requires putting others’ interests in front of your own, writes Paul Polman, former CEO of Unilever. “Leaders need determination to fight through the roadblocks. Willpower comes from cultivating...
Room to Grow

Room to Grow

Room to Grow Room to Grow People thrive in working environments where they have room to grow, writes growth mindset expert Karen Allen. “Support your people as they grow into the best version of themselves, and make it clear that you recognize that mistakes are...
Transformative Leadership

Transformative Leadership

Transformative Leadership Transformative Leadership Leaders have the ability to shape day-to-day experiences, writes leadership expert Sesil Pir. “Transformative leadership is not about being perfect, nor it is about pretending something we are not. It is about...