Worth the Risk

Worth the Risk

Worth the Risk Worth the Risk“You never know where your idea is going to go, but you’ve got a guarantee that it won’t go anywhere unless you share it. Put it out there. Sing the song. Write the book. Start the business. There’s a whole world waiting...
Work-Life Balance

Work-Life Balance

Work-Life Balance Work-Life Balance“Whatever feels right at that given point in time, that is the right balance or equilibrium that one should have.”  Perfect work-life balance doesn’t mean your focus is always divided evenly on both, says Goldman Sachs’ Kathy Matsui....
Skipping Sleep

Skipping Sleep

Skipping Sleep Skipping Sleep“Skipping sleep… slows your ability to process information and problem solve, kills your creativity, and catapults your stress levels and emotional reactivity.”  Forgoing sleep to put in extra hours will only lead to a decrease in...
Think Again

Think Again

Think Again Think Again“Start to see the real, tangible value you and your skills bring. This might not be immediately obvious at first glance, but trust me, the impact you’re having is real.”  Just because you’re not saving lives, doesn’t mean the work you’re doing...
Making Life Easier

Making Life Easier

Making Life Easier Making Life Easier“I started working for myself to do better work, earn more and work a little less—not more.” In a culture where being busy is applauded, smart business owners should utilize technology to make life easier, advises digital marketing...
Word for the Year

Word for the Year

Word for the Year Word for the Year“I choose a word of the year—a word that encapsulates my aspirations for the twelve months ahead.” Instead of starting the new year with resolutions, choose a word to guide you, suggests philanthropist Melinda Gates.  20...