by Hugh Carrington | Aug 26, 2021 | Nuggets
Encourage Honesty Encourage Honesty There are three core elements to building a strong relationship with employees, says Altimeter founder Charlene Li: integrity, agency and openness. And underpinning all three is honesty. “As leaders, we need to build a...
by Hugh Carrington | Aug 22, 2021 | Nuggets
Take the Risk Take the Risk If our fear of missing out on opportunities exceeds our fear of failure in trying something new, we’ll take a risk, writes longtime tech executive Sukhinder Singh Cassidy. “Risk-taking isn’t about cultivating fearlessness or...
by Hugh Carrington | Aug 22, 2021 | Nuggets
True Leadership True Leadership “Leadership is not a title or role,” organizational psychologist and author John Amaechi tells the World Economic Forum’s Alexander Court. “It’s a promise of a kind of experience. It says if I only have the power to...
by Hugh Carrington | Aug 22, 2021 | Nuggets
Doing Things Differently Doing Things Differently Take the best of what you know and combine it with the best of what you’ve learned, and then do something with all of that, writes Entrepreneur Magazine’s Jason Feifer. “Change doesn’t always look...
by Hugh Carrington | Aug 22, 2021 | Nuggets
True Leadership True Leadership Leadership is about supporting people through the inherent demands of work and through the challenges they face to meet those demands, writes psychologist John Amaechi. “As leaders, we promise to assess effort, process, diligence,...
by Hugh Carrington | Aug 22, 2021 | Nuggets
Using Regret as Energy Using Regret as Energy Although we are often told “what’s done is done,” addressing our regrets can actually push us forward, writes trust expert Rachel Botsman. “Regret can be a hopeful emotion if used to give us the...
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