Clear Mission

Clear Mission

Clear Mission Clear Mission We’ve all heard the saying, “teamwork makes the dream work.” That’s because working together can help solve problems and build trust, writes consultant Rita King. “A team without a clear mission isn’t a team....
Bigger and Better

Bigger and Better

Bigger and Better Bigger and Better Everything we do brings us one step closer to greater success, writes author Greg McKeown. “Success is more than a one-time event. A lifetime of success is built over a thousand moments. Each one leading us to something bigger...
Small Steps Matter

Small Steps Matter

Small Steps Matter Small Steps Matter Even if it’s a small step, simple acts can inspire, writes professional athlete Malcolm Brogdon. “Remember that you can be a leader every day, no matter where you are or what step of your career you’re in, by...
Stand On My Shoulders

Stand On My Shoulders

Stand On My Shoulders Stand On My Shoulders Leadership is about learning from those who came before you and sharing with those who come after, writes entrepreneur David Sable. “If I have had any success, it is because I was able to stand on the shoulders of giants—who...
The Next One

The Next One

The Next One The Next One Create an environment where your people feel comfortable putting themselves (and their ideas) out there, writes entrepreneur Vanessa Ogle. “While it is true that not all ideas are great ones, the next idea might be GOLD and we...
Smarter, not Harder

Smarter, not Harder

Smarter, not Harder Smarter, not Harder Working hard doesn’t mean keeping your head down, your foot on the gas and your hands chained to your desk, writes Deloitte’s Janet Foutty. “Rather, working hard really comes down to being perceptive:...