Go With the Flow

Go With the Flow

Go With the Flow Go With the Flow A key part of work-life balance is finding a job you enjoy, and finding joy in the job you have, according to Mission Beyond executive chair Harriet Green.   “Don’t try to strive for a perfect, constant balance: things change, go with...
Creativity in Leadership

Creativity in Leadership

Creativity in Leadership Creativity in Leadership Creativity isn’t always associated with leadership, but author and former executive Atif Rafiq argues that creative content creation is an essential skill.  “We often pigeon hole the work of leadership. It’s a false...
The Power of Listening

The Power of Listening

The Power of Listening The Power of Listening A powerful listener can help amplify ideas, says Greg McKeown, author of bestsellers “Effortless” and “Essentialism”.  “Hearing things that most people never hear and seeing things that most others don’t see is where...
Risk Failing

Risk Failing

Risk Failing Risk Failing Failure, and moving forward from failure, helps us to grow. But to leverage this, we must be willing to risk failing, says author Whitney Johnson.  “To leverage failure, we must first put ourselves at risk of failing.”  46...
Doing It Together

Doing It Together

Doing It Together Doing It Together Breakthroughs are often the result of collaboration and feedback, says Janet Foutty, executive chair of the board, Deloitte US.  “Vision doesn’t always come from stewing alone in your office with the door closed, waiting for...