by Hugh Carrington | Sep 19, 2019 | Nuggets
Ask for Help Ask for Help“In the hallway, over coffee, on a quick call. ‘Hi, I’m working on/dealing with “x” situation, I know you have experience here, and I’d love to get your guidance. This could be only 5-10 minutes, but worth a lifetime of leapfrogging mistakes... by Hugh Carrington | Sep 17, 2019 | Nuggets
All the Answers All the Answers“Even an expert – with a proven record of success – cannot claim to have all the answers. There’s always value in a second opinion.” Having people to bounce ideas off and seek advice from is essential for any individual, says James... by Hugh Carrington | Sep 12, 2019 | Nuggets
Most Valuable Most Valuable“The person who can understand data, explain it to the business and make it actionable will become the most valuable employee of the future.” We should be equipping students with a curiosity to problem solve, says Michael Dell, CEO and... by Hugh Carrington | Sep 10, 2019 | Nuggets
Living, Breathing Thing Living, Breathing Thing“You’re not placing it under a slide or encasing it in amber. You’re trying to make it better every year and someone new who shows up has something to add to that, not just something to learn about it.” Treat... by Hugh Carrington | Sep 5, 2019 | Nuggets
Something Deeper Something Deeper“Humble leaders usually have a sense of community as their purpose. Their existence is not driven only by success or profits, but by something deeper.” Humility is an undervalued trait many great leaders have, says Vani Kola,...
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