Worthy Rivals

Worthy Rivals

Worthy Rivals Worthy Rivals“We have to stop thinking of other players as competitors to be beaten and start thinking of them as worthy rivals who can help us become better players.”  Instead of viewing our competition as enemies we need to outflank, author Simon Sinek...
Make the Investment

Make the Investment

Make the Investment Make the Investment“No star employee wants to stay at a company that doesn’t appear to value them. And even if an employee does eventually leave, they will speak highly of their positive experience, potentially serving as a referral for future job...
Impartial Nor Infallible

Impartial Nor Infallible

Impartial Nor Infallible Impartial Nor Infallible“Data is neither impartial nor infallible; it is often the result of judgments and biases held by the gatherers of that data.”  Even in a data-driven society, intuition has a critical role, says writer Bruce Kasanoff....
Being Fearless

Being Fearless

Being Fearless Being Fearless “We risk failing by being afraid to do things out of our comfort zone. The fear of being embarrassed, or embarrassing ourselves… Only by being fearless, and doing scary things, can we grow and advance.”  Take initiative...
Making Work Fun

Making Work Fun

Making Work Fun Making Work Fun”Humor in the workplace isn’t about making work funny, or being the funniest person in the office. It’s about making work fun, and getting better results.”  Employees are more efficient when they enjoy their work, comedian Drew...