Transparency and Vulnerability

Transparency and Vulnerability

Transparency and Vulnerability Transparency and Vulnerability Don’t be afraid to be vulnerable with your colleagues, it will help build trust among you, advises Charles Schwab President and CEO, Walt Bettinger. “Just as you would do with classmates and...
Unleash Your People

Unleash Your People

Unleash Your People Unleash Your People “Leadership, at its core, isn’t about you. It’s about how effective you are at unleashing other people. Full stop. That’s it,” write authors Frances Frei and Anne Morriss. “Our advice is to risk making other...
Praying Coast to Coast

Praying Coast to Coast

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Space and Autonomy

Space and Autonomy

Space and Autonomy Space and Autonomy Delegate work to your employees and then give them the space and autonomy to do their jobs well, says Citibank’s Lung-Nien Lee. “Trust in the people you hire. Customers, colleagues and other stakeholders with benefit...
Spread Like Wildfire

Spread Like Wildfire

Spread Like Wildfire Spread Like Wildfire Innovation should be a company-wide initiative, says author Daniel Burrus. “If you are the leader of your organization, think of each department in some ways as an industry in and of itself, each of which could be...