Open it!

Open it!

Open it! Open it! Pursuing a new goal can feel uncomfortable, but it keeps life interesting, says content creator Natalie Rose. “Sometimes the best opportunities are waiting behind a door. We just have to have the courage to open it.”  46 Wildwood Road — Bridge...


Go!!! Go!!! If you’re waiting to take action until you feel “ready” you could be waiting forever, says life coach Erika Cruz. “Being ready is a decision. So make the decision to start today.”  46 Wildwood Road — Bridge SuiteStamford, CT 06903 ...
Made for This

Made for This

Made for This Made for This Leaders aren’t born, they’re made, says Bonnie Timms Hagemann, CEO of EDA, Inc.  “Good leadership requires continuously looking at yourself as both the painting and the painter and making continuous improvements.”  46 Wildwood...
Best Teacher

Best Teacher

Best Teacher Best Teacher Failure is an amazing teacher, says Milena Toro , creative strategist at IBM.  “You try, and if you don’t get the outcome you’re looking for, you’re almost always guaranteed to win anyway. How? Because you learn something...
Unintentionally Dysfunctional

Unintentionally Dysfunctional

Unintentionally Dysfunctional Unintentionally Dysfunctional You can have the best intentions and still unintentionally create a dysfunctional work environment, says Zephrine Hanson, the founder and owner of Hampden Farms.  “Sometimes your employee needs help but if...