Risk Failing

Risk Failing

Risk Failing Risk Failing Failure, and moving forward from failure, helps us to grow. But to leverage this, we must be willing to risk failing, says author Whitney Johnson.  “To leverage failure, we must first put ourselves at risk of failing.”  46...
Doing It Together

Doing It Together

Doing It Together Doing It Together Breakthroughs are often the result of collaboration and feedback, says Janet Foutty, executive chair of the board, Deloitte US.  “Vision doesn’t always come from stewing alone in your office with the door closed, waiting for...
Not Worth It

Not Worth It

Not Worth It Not Worth It Sacrificing your integrity for a momentary win is a short-sighted strategy, says Mary Barra, CEO of General Motors.   “Your integrity is everything. It takes years to build and can crumble in a moment. Once it’s gone, it’s almost impossible...
Productive Doubt

Productive Doubt

Productive Doubt Productive Doubt Doubt may get a bad rap, but it can be a powerful mode of inquiry, says Rachel Botsman, host of the podcast Rethink Moments.   “Productive doubt doesn’t ‘hold us back’ but keeps us still long enough to consider other...
It Still Works

It Still Works

It Still Works It Still Works Many of us have forgotten what it’s like to collaborate in-person and so we’re quick to discount the benefits, says behavioral economist Dan Ariely.   “There’s something magical about people getting together and working...