Grow Yourself, Grow the Team

Grow Yourself, Grow the Team

Grow Yourself, Grow the Team Grow Yourself, Grow the Team Leaders often focus on their employees’ development, but author and advisor Whitney Johnson says personal reflection and growth can be just as important to the success of your team.   “‘Am I growing myself to...
Company Purpose

Company Purpose

Company Purpose Company Purpose Company culture isn’t just about productivity — it’s about advancing the company’s purpose, says Johnny C. Taylor Jr., the president and CEO of the Society for Human Resource Management.  “Once your employees begin to see you embrace...
Emotional Emissions

Emotional Emissions

Emotional Emissions Emotional Emissions Good leadership involves taking care of your team’s emotional wellbeing, and that could look like getting dinner with them or asking them about their work, says author and board member Atif Rafiq.  “Emotional emissions are our...
Win-Win Situation

Win-Win Situation

Win-Win Situation Win-Win Situation Being a mentor can be just as educational and beneficial as being a mentee, says Everbridge chief technology officer John Maeda.  “I’ve long believed that being a good follower to a good leader is a win-win situation.”  46...
Open Your Mind

Open Your Mind

Open Your Mind Open Your Mind Innovation is a skill that can be practiced and perfected by doing things like opening your mind to new ideas and letting go of fear, author Felecia Hatcher says.  “Embrace your ability to think, develop, and create. Soon, you will see...