Be the Example

Be the Example

Be the Example Be the Example We should model the responsibility, the resolve, and the compassion we wish our public officials and fellow citizens to display, writes Harvard Law School’s Michael Wheeler.   “It strikes me that these troubling times call for...
A New Day

A New Day

A New Day A New Day You have to detach from your emotions and make strategic decisions, says designer Rebecca Minkoff. “Yearning for yesterday’s success only keeps you from finding today’s.”   46 Wildwood Road — Bridge SuiteStamford, CT 06903...
That’s Not Enough

That’s Not Enough

That’s Not Enough That’s Not Enough​ The smartest people do not necessarily equal the best leaders, says Australian Broadcasting Corporation’s Kirstin Ferguson. “The most valued leaders around the world during this crisis have been those who have been able...
Leadership By Example

Leadership By Example

Leadership By Example Leadership By ExampleIn a time of crisis, leadership by example is more important and impactful than ever, writes author James Citrin.”As a leader there is no better way to influence the actions and mindsets of others than to embody the...
Free Your Mind

Free Your Mind

Free Your Mind Free Your MindIn some instances, resource constraints can bring both creativity and innovation, writes industrial/organizational psychologist Marla Gottschalk.”While our lives may currently have increasing boundaries — our minds remain...