Working Differently

Working Differently

Working Differently Working DifferentlyFlexible work should no longer be a “women’s issue.” Retaining talented employees who may need to work differently is important, advises LandIt founder and CEO Lisa Skeete Tatum.  “We’ve got to do something about unlocking...
Solve the Problem

Solve the Problem

Solve the Problem Solve the ProblemBrainstorming sessions may not be as effective as we tend to think they are, says author Shane Snow.  “Brainstorm sessions often have little follow-through because the point is usually to involve the team rather than solve the...
Far and Wide

Far and Wide

Far and Wide Far and WideThe process of sharing ideas improves them, writes author Nir Eyal, one of LinkedIn’s Top Voices.  “You should share your ideas far and wide so that smart people can poke holes in them and make you better.”  46 Wildwood Road — Bridge...
Delegate Until It Bleeds

Delegate Until It Bleeds

Delegate Until It Bleeds Delegate Until It BleedsMicromanagers are anything but helpful, suffocating “creativity, productivity and morale,” says Richard Moran, Managing Partner at Blue Book Ventures.  “Stop checking so often. You may think you’re...
The Differentiator

The Differentiator

The Differentiator The DifferentiatorCommunicating is key to good leadership, says Rhonda Morris, chief human resources officer at Chevron.  “Communicating in simple language and connecting with people is a differentiator. How do you constantly simplify messages...