Good for Business

Good for Business

Good for Business Good for Business“Our values call for us to seek diversity and promote inclusion because it’s the right thing to do… It’s also good for business.”  Companies with a diverse workforce are better placed to serve customers globally, says Delta CEO...
Next Steps

Next Steps

Next Steps Next Steps“They excel in their current role, but they’re also reaching out to mentors and figuring out the skills they’ll need next year… and the year after that.”  Good leaders are always thinking about the next steps, says Hootsuite CEO Ryan Holmes....
A Night of Prayer

A Night of Prayer

A Night of Prayer Bronx SDA Church Living a Christian life through the power of prayer.  Visit our Facebook page to see more pictures from this event.  46 Wildwood Road — Bridge SuiteStamford, CT 06903...
Evangelism Weekends

Evangelism Weekends

Evangelism Weekends Macedonia SDA Church Week 4 of 9—You’re persuaded, on your way to heaven, but is anyone traveling with you? Visit our Facebook page to see more pictures from this event.  46 Wildwood...
Fix the System

Fix the System

Fix the System Fix the System“The one change I’d like to see in the workplace is a shift from fixing women to fixing the system.”  Women and men enter the workplace equally confident and ambitious, but within a few years, the picture is often very different,...